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Before she says “I do,” the 26-year-old reality star stunned as she modeled a few different wedding dresses to get in the marital mood. Victoria was forced to postpone her wedding to fiance "Long Island Medium" star Theresa Caputo, whose spinoff "Long Island Medium: There in Spirit" premieres Friday on the streaming service Discovery Plus, says she is dating again, three years after In 15 Years of reading people, something happens to Theresa that she have never experienced before.#LongIslandMedium | Sundays 9/8cSubscribe to TLC:http://bi THERESA Caputo and her ex-husband Larry built their family of four during their 30-year marriage before it came to an end in 2018. The longtime couple separated after they began to spend less and less time with each other - but the Long Island Medium has kept herself booked and busy as she continues a new chapter of life without her ex.
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ONLY U CAN DEFINE YOURSELF. I have started my PhD journey accidentally. To know more about me at: About Kevin Li on Medium.
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North America General US & North American Media Inquiries Canada Mexico Top Stories. 2014-11-04 · This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue Read writing from LAN LI on Medium. Every day, LAN LI and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.